Dr Shivdasini S Amin

This is an ancient formula of happiness (Vedas, 5 thousand years), simple, like everything ingenious.  Anyone can practice it at any time, and it will always be useful!

There is only one category of people who will not be able to practice the formula for happiness: the outright selfish.  The mere thought that they need to wish someone happiness makes them feel uncomfortable.  Selfish direction of thinking "all the best is only for me!"  (unreasonable egoism) will not allow them even once to utter the phrase "I wish everyone happiness."  If you can say it out loud at least once, then all is not lost 🙂 The rest may be helped by other techniques described on the site, for example, working with dualities.

The "I wish everyone happiness!"  Using the formula "I wish everyone happiness!"  you purify your consciousness, mind and subtle bodies, eliminate the ego, the causes of illness, poor health and relationship problems.  It is also possible to mentally wish people happiness, but in this case the effect is less, so you will have to work longer to achieve the result.

How to use the formula for happiness

You need to wish for happiness calmly, consciously (not automatically) and as sincerely as possible.  If at first you sincerely do not succeed, do as you can, sincerity will come later, when egoism and accumulated negative are exhausted.  Work at a comfortable pace, sometimes trying faster or slower - this can affect the speed and quality of the study.

It is best if you can sit comfortably in solitude, close your eyes, and recite the formula for happiness aloud, setting aside an hour and a half for yourself so that nothing distracts.  Let it be better to have extra time than something will distract you.  This does not mean that you need to work for 1 or 1.5 hours.

The wording "I wish everyone happiness!"  - quite general, and at first, I recommend working with specific people, using the formula "I wish you happiness."  You concentrate on a specific person (imagine him mentally) and wish him happiness, from which he begins to glow with happiness; you see how he becomes happy.  You may have to wish him happiness many times before you can do it sincerely, with all your heart, and see (imagine) that he has become happy.  Then you take on the next person.  Whenever possible, recite the formula for happiness out loud.  If this is not possible, speak mentally; it's better than not wanting happiness at all.

 “What you radiate, you get” - this is the principle on which the formula of happiness works (and this principle works because Everything is One).  When you sincerely desire happiness for another, you are actually creating and radiating happiness, and at the same time you yourself feel it.  The more you radiate, the more you receive.

When you begin to wish for the happiness of others, the ego may resist because it does not like it.  You will have to go through this by repeating the formula “I wish you happiness” many times.  Sometimes it can take a long time.  The ego's pranks are simply observed and accepted as they are, after which the ego weakens and subsides.  And so on for every person you work with.

The Happiness Formula can be used successfully to mend a deteriorating relationship or to get rid of the trouble another person is creating for you.

Work out on your relatives, loved ones, friends, colleagues, employers, etc.  - everyone with whom you live, you often communicate, as well as those who in the past had a great (and especially negative) influence on you.  When you master the formula for happiness, carefully work out your enemies (these are those whom you would not wish happiness even in the last place) - you will see the result 🙂

 The exercise:

 Try to mentally wish happiness to everyone you meet on the street.

 Go and mentally say to everyone: I wish you happiness!

 And I wish you all happiness!

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