My Mother-In-Law transitioned on 19th December 2017, however when she was alive she would every day chant the Vishnu Sahasranama, Lalitha Sahasranama, and the Hunuman Chalisa . This was done come what may and however late it got in the night, if she had not chanted it earlier in the day.
So my children have associated their grandmother with these small little books that she carried with her wherever she went. So when my elder born Smreti came home after hearing the news of her transition- the first thing she said was “I want the Hanuman Chalisa of my Grandmother.” When we opened the packet where she kept all her religious books we found this picture in the center of which was a matchstick without a head now (I know the books are over 23 years old but I have no clue how old this laminated picture is). The Laminate reads
-A match stick has a head but it does not have a brain
- therefore, whenever there is a little friction, it flares up immediately
-Let us learn from this humble match stick
- you and we have heads as well as brains
- so, let us not react on impulse
- Always SMILE …